Near and far   2015



              La vision de l'espace urbain

                   du haut d'un gratte-ciel:

              vertige vertical qui conduit à

                       une abstraction

                   de l'espace physique

                 et de l'échelle humaine.


        Association de ce tissu architectural

           à l'univers minéral de la matière.

                  Collision micro/macro,

                 torsion des dimensions.


             Jets d'encre UV sur dibond.





              The urban space perceived

             from the top of a skyscraper:

               vertical vertigo leading into

                         an abstraction

                    of the physical space

                     and the human scale.


       This architectural fabric is combined

         with the mineral world of the matter.

                    Micro/macro collision,

                     twisted dimensions.


                    UV inkjets on dibond.



Shard 1


(105x70 cm)

Shard 2


(105x70 cm)

Shard 3


(105x70 cm)

2022 © Michèle Populaire